Application Status | Application Status Definitions |
Submitted | When all the permits are in submitted state |
In Progress | When at least one of the permits is 'In Progress' status and rest everything is in ‘Submitted’ status |
Fee Holds Review | If at least one of the permits is in 'Fee Review' and/or 'Held for External Review' and no other permits are in ‘Ready for Payment’ status |
Payment Ready | When all the permits are in ‘Ready for Payment’ status |
Partial Payment Ready | When at least one of the permits are in ‘Ready for Payment’ status no matter what the other permit statuses are |
Partially Issued | When one or more permits are in ‘Issued’ status and no permits are in ‘Fee Review’ or 'Held for External Review' or ‘Ready for Payment’ statuses |
Issued | When all the permits are in ‘Issued’ status |
Denied | When all the permits are in ‘Denied’ status |
Hold Name | Description | Contact Information (Borough office phone numbers or emails) |
BOB HOLD: (BRIDGES HOLD) | This hold signifies that you may be working within 100 feet of a bridge structure. You must survey the site. If the work is within 100 feet of a bridge structure you must submit a scaled drawing showing the work and exact location. If the work is more than 100 feet away, you must forward certification. | Send responses via email to NYCDOT Division of Bridges at or call 212-839-9222 prior to working. |
CAN HOLD: (CANOPY HOLD) | This hold signifies that you have applied for a permit to maintain a canopy. The permit will remain on hold until a final inspection by HIQA determines the canopy was installed as per submitted plans. Upon completion of the inspection, this permit shall be released or rejected by the HIQA unit. If renewed or re-issued, this permit shall NOT be placed on CAN Hold. |
BROOKLYN- (646) 892-1390 BRONX - (212) 748-6609 MANHATTAN - (212) 839-4700 LOWER MANHATTAN - (212) 839-4729 QUEENS - (212) 839-2430 STATEN ISLAND - (212) 839-2410 |
COB HOLD: (COBBLESTONE HOLD) | This hold signifies that you are working on a designated cobblestone street. The roadway must be replaced in kind. Contractors must call the appropriate NYCDOT’s Highway. Inspection and Quality Assurance (HIQA) Office before replacing cobblestones so HIQA can monitor the replacement. |
BROOKLYN - (646) 892-1390 BRONX - (212) 748-6609 MANHATTAN - (212) 839-4700 LOWER MANHATTAN - (212) 839-4729 QUEENS - (212) 839-2430 STATEN ISLAND - (212) 839-2410 |
CON HOLD: (CONCRETE ROADWAY HOLD) | This hold signifies that you are working on a street designated as a full depth concrete roadway that must be restored in kind as per DOT standard specification #1042A&B. Approval from NYCDOT’s Highway Inspection and Quality Assurance (HIQA) Office is required before work commences. Contractors must call the appropriate HIQA office before the final restoration starts so that HIQA can monitor the work. |
BROOKLYN - (646) 892-1390 BRONX - (212) 748-6609 MANHATTAN - (212) 839-4700 LOWER MANHATTAN - (212) 839-4729 QUEENS - (212) 839-2430 STATEN ISLAND - (212) 839-2410 |
CPI HOLD: (CAPITAL PROJECT IN-HOUSE) | This hold signifies that the location of your work may pose a potential conflict with an upcoming/current NYCDOT In-House roadway project. Your permit(s) must be reviewed and released by the appropriate NYCDOT Borough Roadway Repair and Maintenance Office. |
BROOKLYN - (646) 892-1370 BRONX - (212) 748-6670 MANHATTAN - (212) 839-9799 QUEENS - (212) 839-2480 STATEN ISLAND - (212) 839-2397 or 2396 |
CPO HOLD: (CAPITAL PROJECT OUT-SOURCE) | This hold signifies that the location of your work may pose a potential conflict with an upcoming/current NYC Department of Design and Construction (NYCDDC) project. Your permit(s) must be reviewed and released by the appropriate NYCDDC Borough office. |
BROOKLYN - (718) 391-1444 or 2666 BRONX/N. QUEENS - (718) 391-1435 MANHATTAN – (212) 313-3523 or 3547 SOUTH QUEENS – (718) 391-2415 or 1955 STATEN ISLAND – (718) 982-5007 |
ECN HOLD: (ENGINEERING CONTROL NUMBER HOLD) | This hold is not currently in use. | Your permit will be released without any calls. |
ENV HOLD: (ENVIRONMENTAL HOLD) | Your proposed work falls within an area that requires coordination with third parties and/or approval from the Unites States Environmental Protection Agency or The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation that may require you to meet certain requirements. The permittee must contact the NYC DOT OCEA unit at for further instructions prior to work. | Contact The NYCDOT OECA Unit via email at prior to working. |
EXC HOLD: (EXECUTIVE HOLD) | This hold signifies that the location of your work falls on a designated Thru Street or within a high profile area. Your permit(s) must be reviewed and released by OCMC Executive Staff. | No call is necessary. |
FCR HOLD: (FULL CLOSURE REVIEW HOLD) | This hold signifies that your full roadway closure request may require you to submit a Community Reassessment Impact and Amelioration (CRIA) Statement/Environmental Impact Study (EIS). | You will be contacted. |
PLZ HOLD: (PLAZA HOLD) | The site of your proposed work falls within/in the vicinity of a DOT Pedestrian Plaza. To determine impact, you must submit a scaled drawing showing the extents of the proposed work to the NYC DOT Public Space unit at prior to issuance of your permit. The Permittee is responsible to replace all materials in kind. | Send responses via email to NYCDOT PUBLIC SPACE UNIT at prior to working. |
POL HOLD: (POLES HOLD) | This hold signifies that your work involves the installation or replacement of poles. Your permit(s) must be reviewed and released by NYCDOT’s Street Lighting Unit. | No call is necessary. |
RED HOLD: (RE-DIG HOLD) | Your permit(s) must be reviewed and released by the NYCDOT HIQA Office. Contractors must call the appropriate NYCDOT’s HIQA Office to schedule this re-dig. |
BROOKLYN - (646) 892-1390 BRONX - (212) 748-6609 MANHATTAN - (212) 839-4700 LOWER MANHATTAN - (212) 839-4729 QUEENS - (212) 839-2430 STATEN ISLAND - (212) 839-2410 |
SAM HOLD: (STREET AND ARTERIAL MAINTENANCE HOLD) | This hold signifies that you are working on or adjacent to a street that has recently been resurfaced and is a protected street. Per procedure, you must forward a protected street form and sketch (via fax) to the appropriate NYCDOT Street Maintenance Borough office for review and approval. |
Fax Numbers: BROOKLYN - (646) 892-1383 BRONX - (212) 839-1947 MANHATTAN - (212) 839-4222 QUEENS - (212) 839-2496 STATEN ISLAND - (212) 839-2402 |
STP HOLD: (SPECIAL TRAFFIC PROJECTS HOLD) | This hold signifies that you are working on a street designated as special traffic project restoration. Your permit(s) must be reviewed and released by the NYCDOT HIQA Office. |
BROOKLYN - (646) 892-1390 BRONX - (212) 748-6609 MANHATTAN - (212) 839-4700 LOWER MANHATTAN - (212) 839-4729 QUEENS - (212) 839-2430 STATEN ISLAND - (212) 839-2410 |
VAR HOLD: (VARIANCE HOLD) | This hold is not currently in use. | Your permit will be released without any calls. |
VLT HOLD: (VAULT HOLD) | This hold signifies that your work involves the installation or repair of vaults. Your permit(s) must be reviewed and released by Permit Management Executive Staff. | No call is necessary. |
Application Status | Application Status Definitions |
Submitted | When all the permits are in submitted state |
In Progress | When at least one of the permits is 'In Progress' status and rest everything is in ‘Submitted’ status |
Fee Holds Review | If at least one of the permits is in 'Fee Review' and/or 'Held for External Review' and no other permits are in ‘Ready for Payment’ status |
Payment Ready | When all the permits are in ‘Ready for Payment’ status |
Partial Payment Ready | When at least one of the permits are in ‘Ready for Payment’ status no matter what the other permit statuses are |
Partially Issued | When one or more permits are in ‘Issued’ status and no permits are in ‘Fee Review’ or 'Held for External Review' or ‘Ready for Payment’ statuses |
Issued | When all the permits are in ‘Issued’ status |
Denied | When all the permits are in ‘Denied’ status |
Hold Name | Description |
BC HOLD: (BOROUGH COMMISSIONER HOLD) | This hold signifies that borough commissioner’s office is reviewing your permit. |
CB HOLD: (COMMUNITY BOARD HOLD) | This hold signifies that community board’s office is reviewing your permit. |
HIQA Office | Address | Phone Number |
DOT, HIQA Manhattan | 59 Maiden Lane, 34TH Floor New York, NY 10038 | (212) 839-4700 |
DOT, HIQA Brooklyn | 16 Court Street, 15TH Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11241 | (646) 892-1390 |
DOT, HIQA Queens | 120-55 Queens Blvd, Room G-210, Kew Gardens, NY 11424 | (212) 839-2430 |
DOT, HIQA Bronx | 1400 Williamsbridge Road, 1ST Floor, Bronx, NY 10461 | (212) 748-6610 |
DOT, HIQA Staten Island | 10 Richmond Terrace, 4TH Floor, Staten Island, NY 10301 | (212) 839-2410 |